Montessori Sporthal Oost, Amsterdam


Montessori Sporthal Oost, Amsterdam (2016-2019)

Herman Hertzberger, Harm Freymuth, Laurens Jan ten Kate, Francesca Caccioli, Tom Vermeer, Jeroa Amanupunnjo, Rebecca Petrani, Martijn Beemsterboer

The internationally oriented Montessori Lyceum Oostpoort was designed by AHH and completed in 2000. Above of the existing low-rise buildings new sports facilities are built, with two major sports halls, among others. The new addition is placed over the existing building as "an animal on legs". This makes the sports facilities visible from far away, also from the cycling and walking route that runs along the railway. The importance of sports and physical well-being is thus emphasised: not a neglected component in a backstreet, but proud and visible in the spotlights. The new expansion catches the eye: from afar the contoured, organic roofscape can be seen. This provides sports in Oostpoort with its own and contemporary flagship.

Because the sports facilities have their own entrance, they also have a neighbourhood function. During the day, the school makes use of them, and in the evenings and in the weekends for local residents sports facilities are always closeby. Also for that reason the extension has its own identity, more or less separate from the school, but also part of it. 

In partnership with BBP, a very sustainable building has been designed: full electric, solar panels, heat pump, LED lighting, water saving toilets and for example night reduction and weather-dependent regulation. Not only the installations have been thought through, also with the materials the ecological footprint is taken into account. Building gas-free has the future. We need to switch to buildings where electricity is the energy source. 'All electric', with preferably green electricity. Montessori Lyceum Oostpoort takes the lead here, by not just building sports facilities, but incorporating the green future into the buildings. And that future is visible, also in the aspect of the building. 


Polderweg 3, 1093 KL Amsterdam

Gross floor area

1.624 m2


Stichting Montessori Scholengemeenschap Amsterdam


Structural engineer: Van Rossum

Project management: ICS Adviseurs

Installation consultant: bbp advies

Main contractor: MVB Bouw


Teo Krijgsman


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